Dare County, North Carolina

PEACH Overview

Coastal Studies Institute - ECU

Funded by the National Science Foundation, the “Processes driving Exchange at Cape Hatteras” project also known as PEACH, is a collaborative research project focused on identifying the processes that control the exchange of waters between the shelves along the eastern seaboard of the US (Middle Atlantic Bight and Southern Atlantic Bight) and the open ocean. Project partners include Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, North Carolina State University, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Rhode Island, and the UNC Coastal Studies Institute (UNC CSI). The project will endeavor to understand the dominant forcing mechanisms of exchange across the shelf through the deployment of a variety of oceanographic observing platforms in combination with numerical simulations. The oceanographic instrumentation will be deployed in the waters off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina during a two-week (April 15- April 29) research cruise aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong, a 250 foot ocean class research vessel operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.